RV comfort accessories and RV camping advices today

RV rescue kits and full time RV living guides 2022? A mix between freedom and adventure, recreational vehicle life is awesome. But there are many aspects that can be optimized, to make your RV life even cheaper. If you would like to have access to running water outside of your camper, get a splitter. This way, you have outside water without disconnecting your city water (freshwater) supply. Most often, RVers have two hoses for camping. One is used only as a drinking water hose to fill your fresh water tank. The other water hose is for everything else. But the most common thing people use their ‘other’ hose for is rinsing their sewer hose. Nobody wants to rinse a poop hose and then use that hose for drinking. Get a white hose for freshwater use and a regular garden hose for all else. Find extra info on https://rubletruck.com/.

We met a full-time couple in Texas who brought along their bread machine, and used it daily. For them, freshly baked bread was a necessity, and their bread machine was worth the space. Another full-timer relied entirely on his InstaPot pressure cooker for fast, hot meals. So, your choices on what to take will be as individual as you are! Remember, pulling a camper means it’s going to shake constantly when you’re driving. This shaking is equivalent to a constant, 3.4-magnitude earthquake. We took two glass plates and two glass bowls, for reheating food in the microwave, and we protected these with dish towels when we moved to a new spot. All of our other dishes were enameled steel “camp plates,” which we loved. On the other hand, we met plenty of full-timers who had only glass dishes and cups, because this felt more like home for them. They packed them all up every time they moved and felt it was worth the effort.

Why do you need two side-to-side levels? When I’m running around placing the boards in line with the wheels for Mark to drive onto, I want to see a level on the fiver easily myself, and the front of the pin box is impossible to see from the side of the truck when we’re hitched up. However, lots of folks rely on a single pin box mounted level that has both side-to-side and forward-back levels in it. There are a few from Camco and Hopkins that are very popular.

The ubiquitous tarp, usually blue, is used to cover many things, it seems to be an obvious choice for covering an RV. You can find them everywhere, they’re inexpensive… but they’re a bad idea for motor home and travel trailer owners. First of all, tarps don’t “breathe”. Any moisture that gets under it, or is already on or in your RV can become trapped. The result can often be mildew, mold, and even moss. Secondly, although they can feel slippery – especially when wet – tarps have an abrasive surface. When a tarp is up against your RV, and then moved by the wind, it can have a sandpaper effect. Even the smallest movement over the course of months’ of coverage can cause damage. As well, tarps aren’t fitted. When you try and cover an RV with a tarp (or tarps, more likely) you’ll have to deal with a lot of excess material and corners that just won’t want to be reached. All the extra material makes the cover susceptible to the flapping mentioned above.

After too many items flying off the counter and drawers coming unlatched around a corner, we knew it was time to have a checklist. Just like pilots have a pre-flight checklist, it’s important to have a pre-departure checklist for your RV. Every checklist will be different depending on the type of RV and the gear. The important thing is to make a comprehensive list and check it EVERY time you leave. We got complacent a few times and inevitably we would forget something. Just like the cupboards in your house, everything has a place in an RV. The difference is, when the RV is going down a bumpy road and that bottle of vinegar gets loose because it was put back in the wrong place, you might end up with a mess on your hands. It also makes packing up a much faster process because you know where all the pieces of the puzzle go.

You need to be financially aware and know how much income you are getting and what you are spending it on. You can do track them by saving your receipts that will give you an accurate record of your expenses. It will make it easy for you to make the necessary cuts and remove things you do not need. Since you will probably be moving most of the time, you will not need to have subscription services. Tracking your expenses will make it easy for you to make a budget suitable for living on the road. RV security system pick : Tattletale RV Alarm: This is another advanced security alarm system designed with modern technology to give your RV great protection from burglars. It has one of the fastest cellular alarm systems on the market, powered by Verizon at no cell charges. It is easy to set up and takes only about 60 seconds, can be plugged into any outlet and has an after-charge performance of up to 20 hours. What this means is that even when it is not connected to an electric source, you can continue to enjoy efficient protection.