Quality Among Us game guides? These hints are often very subtle, and require playing several matches in order to start picking up on them. Nevertheless, if you see someone suspiciously following people around, there’s a decent chance that they could be the Impostor. In this case, you might want to trigger an Emergency Meeting just to be safe and discuss it with the other players. Stay Close to People Who Have Proven Their Innocence: However, once you have verified that someone is truly innocent, you need to stay with them at all costs so that the Impostor can’t pick you off separately. Discover additional info on among us.
Be very cautious about the ‘popular’ kill zones in the maps, areas that have become notorious, like Electrical and Security in The Skeld map. If you have played a lot of Among Us by now, you know that these places are the hotbeds of crime. Electrical makes it very easy for the impostor to disappear due to a vent close to the task area while Security is itself not under surveillance. But suppose you pop out the vent in Security and there is someone in the room NOT looking at the camera, then you are screwed. A similar case can happen in Electrical. That place is usually dark as machines are kept just in front of the door due to which it is hard to figure out if a crew member is already there or not.
To strategically use the Vent system, Impostors should exit a room through the Vent immediately after killing a Crewmate. This will get the Impostor far away from the body before it can be discovered. However, if a Crewmate saw the Among Us Impostor entering the room with the dead body and not exiting it, this plan can backfire and get the Impostor ejected. One way to improve this strategy may be to only enter and exit the room through the Vents, but it is still possible a Crewmate will notice. An Impostor will be safest using the Vents when they are alone in rooms and no one is using the security cameras. Impostor players should also know that Crewmates in other rooms can see when a Vent is used, but they cannot see who used it. Crewmates can also see when the Vent is used if the Impostor shuts the door. However, they don’t see the color or name of the player who used it. Impostors may want to consider shutting the door before using the Vent as an added layer of protection.
Teamwork always results in excellent results and achievements. The same goes with this game. If you stay and move in a group, the imposters will not be able to assassinate you. Stick to the goal of avoiding getting killed than killing. If there comes a situation where there is more than one imposter, then staying in the group will help you stay alive and protected for the long run. At the same time, one of the crew members needs to be at a little distance to see if someone is trying to kill another crew member in the group.
How To Play Among Us game? The game requires 4-10 players and places them in astronaut gear of spaceship crew. Among these crewmates, one or sometimes three crew members are “imposters” who aim to kill the crewmates, whereas the other crew members want to escape unharmed. In order to win the game, the crewmates have to avoid being killed and complete their given tasks, which have been assigned to them in the three maps of the game. The players can detect and vote off the imposters in the crew meetings.