Category: Technology

Certificari Agile

Agile Project Management with Scrum today? As COVID-19 began to spread, non-essential business closed, schools transitioned to distance learning, and most recreational activities were paused or canceled. Governments issued stay-at-home orders to further limit the spread, which forced the most people to stay home. The transition to working from home and reduction in travel turned […]

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Meet Michaela Jamelska and some of her IT applications for business achievements

The upsurge of an autonomous solutions professional : Patricia Jamelska? Working in the deep-tech industry with the focus on smart cities, autonomous solutions and IoT. Patricia Jamelska studied master’s degree at King’s College in London and did a program at Berkeley University in California. Patricia Jamelska is also a former professional horse rider and currently […]

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Top air bladder production company in 2021

Air bladder production firm right now? Currently, our HASEL actuators are implemented for industrial conveyor brakes, biomimetic unmanned underwater vehicles (UUV’s), and various human-machine interface (HMI) applications. However, countless additional applications are in development and we are always exploring new use cases. Our team of experts are available to provide engineering support for your unique […]

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